PTC RISE Program conducts Orientation and M.O.D Board Game Session in Minalin

FEBRUARY 3, 2023

The Philippine Transmarine Carriers (PTC) RISE Team successfully conducted the RISE Orientation and Master of Disaster (M.O.D) Board Game Orientation to Municipality of Minalin, Pampanga Municipal Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (MDRRMO) officials and personnel on January 31 at the Minalin Town Hall in Pampanga.

Led by PTC Program Manager Hector Brizuela, participants were oriented on how the RISE Program will be implemented in the municipality through the Minalin MDRRMO.

Minalin MDRRMO Officials and Personnel, led by MDRRMO Head Engr. Emi Isip enjoyed a session of the M.O.D Board Game which allowed them to learn how to actively respond to common disasters. The PTC RISE Team officially turned over five M.O.D Board Game Sets to Minalin MDRRMO, which can be used in continuously capacitating MinaleƱos on Disaster Preparedness and Resiliency.


the PTC Group