PTC RISE Program conducts Disaster Preparedness Training for PTC ERT members

JUNE 23, 2023

The Philippine Transmarine Carriers (PTC) RISE Program Team successfully conducted a Disaster Preparedness Training for 40 PTC ERT Members at the Legaspi Room of First Maritime Place last June 19.

Led by PTC TAG-PEP Program Manager Hector Brizuela, the PTC ERT Members were educated further about Disaster Preparedness to help them in fulfilling their responsibilities as part of the PTC's Emergency Response Team.

The attendees were also able to experience playing the Master of Disaster (M.O.D) Board Game, as part of the program, where they got to deepen their understanding of Disaster Preparedness and Response.

The RISE Program team thanks the PTC Business Continuity Management (BCM) and Emergency Response Teams, led by C/E Ronald Macalintal and Ms. Irene Espiritu, for making the activity possible.


PTC Group, RISE Program, Disaster Preparedness Training, PTC ERT, Members, Emergency Response Team, Training, Preparedness, Resilience, Safety