Investing in our planet while building for tomorrow

MARCH 31, 2023

Earth Day is an annual global event on April 22 to demonstrate support for environmental protection. This year’s Earth Day theme is Invest in our Planet, highlighting the importance of dedicating our time, resources, and energy to solving climate change and other environmental issues future through collective action for change.

In the lead-up to Earth Day, we shine a spotlight on the PTC Group's Sustainability Policy and Environmental Management System (EMS) Program and share concrete steps on how all members of the PTC Group community can do their share to take care of the one planet that we all live in.
Our Sustainability Policy

PTC Holdings Corporation has adopted sound and sustainable management practices, social and environmental responsibilities, and good governance. It is the duty and responsibility of management and employees to:

  • Integrate sustainability considerations in our operations and all our business decisions;
  • Comply with all applicable legislation, regulations, and codes of practice;
  • Minimize the negative impact of our operations on people, communities, and the environment;
  • Streamline our business processes to ensure we lessen our emissions and waste, and use less water and energy; and,
  • Monitor, review, report, and continually strive to improve our sustainability performance.
Our Sustainability Framework

Sustainability necessitates taking care of our people, keeping in mind the communities we serve, and being mindful of, purposeful with, and accountable for our actions.

Human Capital Development
Training, education, and skills development; job placement; employee training and development, reskilling, and upskilling.
Health and wellbeing (mental health support); resilience training for people, resilience training for communities; risk mitigation/adaptation initiative.
Inclusive Growth
Jobs created; financial inclusion; Just Transition and decent work indicators (income generation); economic value generated.
Environmental Stewardship
Emissions monitoring; waste reduction; carbon conservation; carbon offsetting initiatives; sustainable solutions; plastic-free starts with me; re/upcycling initiative.

Daily Actions to Transform our World

Our PTC Group Sustainability Champs show us how we can all support the UN SDGs through simple acts at home and in the workplace.

Eya Lozada
PTC Concierge

Clean out your pantry. Fill a box with non-perishable foods and give it to a food bank.
Kiah Andres
PTC Bldg. Ad

Turn over clothes or other items you are not using to charitable organizations.
HR Team

Donate books to public libraries or schools in need.
Ren Arroyo
PTC Business Dev.

Take reusable bags to the store.


Sustainable investing, eco-friendly construction, green building materials, renewable energy sources, climate change mitigation, responsible corporate citizenship, environmental stewardship, green initiatives, sustainable development, carbon footprint reduction