PTC welcomes Belgian Ambassador Michel Parys

MAY 20, 2022

The Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium to the Philippines, Michel Parys (4th from left), visited First Maritime Place on May 6 to meet with the management team of the PTC Group.

Also present during the occasion were Mr. Francis Macatulad (leftmost), Director for Strategy & Project Management of Asia Society for Social Improvement & Sustainable Transformation, Inc. (ASSIST), and Mr. Sreeni Narayanan (3rd from left), founder and Group Managing Director of ASSIST.

ASSIST is PTC's partner for Project RISE Philippines (Resiliency Improvement for Seafarers & Seafaring Enterprises).

Maritime industry, PTC Group management team, Philippine Transmarine Carriers Inc., Asia Society for Social Improvement & Sustainable Transformation, Inc., ASSIST, social improvement, improvement, sustainable, transformation, Project RISE Philippines, Resiliency Improvement for Seafarers & Seafaring Enterprises, seafarers, mariners, marine sector