Ensuring business continuity for the Philippine Coast Guard and Project RIS2E partners
OCTOBER 7, 2022
PTC's Project RISE Team, in partnership with Asia Society for Social Improvement and Sustainable Transformation, successfully conducted a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS) Awareness Seminar and Gap Analysis Session, as part of the implementation of Project RIS2E (Resiliency Improvement for Seafarer and Seafaring Enterprises) with the Philippine Coast Guard Office of Civil Relations Service and St. ThereseMTC Colleges.
The activity, held last September 30, was spearheaded by Mr. Swapnil Bora of ECC International who oriented the participants on the mechanics and process of BCMS. They were then able to assess their BCMS capacity through the Gap Analysis tool to check how they can better equip and capacitate their organizations against different disasters that may affect their operations.

This virtual activity and exercise enabled the PCG Civil Relations Service and St. Therese-MTC Colleges Iloilo to consider adopting and integrating BCMS as one of their organization's priority, so they may be able to build resilient enterprises, resilient lives.